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Sunday, 13 July 2014

37 Day Count Down to War - Day 16

13th July 1914

Now the tensions between Serbia and Austria-Hungary are becoming plainer to see. From Belgrade come reports that Austro-Hungarian officials fear being attacked in retaliation for assaults on Serbs in Bosnia, and specifically in Sarajevo. The Serbian press has circulated rumours that Hartwig, the Russian ambassador to Belgrade who died suddenly, might have been the victim of foul play. Responding to the mood, the Austrian ambassador has sent his family away from Belgrade.
From Vienna, the Telegraph's correspondent files a passionate statement from a 'source' close to Count Berchtold, the Austrian minister, laying bare the empire's attitude to Serbia – 'conspiracy and assassination are the principal weapons of the Serbian state'

On July 13, 1914, Friedrich von Wiesner, an official of the Austro-Hungarian Foreign Office, reports back to Foreign Minister Leopold von Berchtold the findings of an investigation into the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, and his wife Sophie the previous June 28, in Sarajevo, Bosnia. "
There is nothing to prove or even suppose that the Serbian government is accessory to the inducement for the crime, its preparation, or the furnishing of weapons. On the contrary, there are reasons to believe that this is altogether out of the question."
The only evidence that could be found, it seemed, was that Princip and his cohorts had been aided by individuals with ties to the government, most likely members of a shadowy organization within the army, the Black HandNothing has been found to implicate the Serbian government in the assassination. Berchtold keeps the findings away from Franz Josef. Krobatin leaves for vacation in Bad Gastein as planned.

 "The note is being composed so that the possibility of its acceptance is practically excluded." German Ambassador to Vienna, Count Heinrich von Tschirschky, to German Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg 

In France, the shocking state of the army is discussed – millions of francs have been wasted and the military is short of 2 million pairs of boots

In Germany, soldiers are laid low for another reason – a heatwave

And in Russia, a woman attempts to murder the charismatic mystic Rasputin, stabbing him in the stomach
The following information resourced from the following websites:

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